We realize that walking into a new setting can be intimidating. So we would love to make your first visit as easy as possible.

Step One: Which Sunday Service To Attend

8:30 am is from the Book of Common Prayer.  It is a said service with Communion.

10:30 am is from the Book of Alternative Servies. It is a sung service with Communion.

Step Two: Upon Arrival At the Church

There is parking on the street or in the parking lot to the South of the church building.  

Step Three: Entering the Building 

There are two entrances you may use.  There are glass doors at the front of the church and there is a side entrance from the parking lot.

When entering the front of the church you will find the stairs and elevator to the left that will lead you up to the sanctuary.

When entering from the parking lot you will walk down a hallway at the end you will turn left, go through a set of double doors and you will find the stairs and elevator on your right.

Step Four: Entering the Sanctuary

When you reach the sanctuary, you will be greeted by a volunteer who will give you a bulletin.  Please let them know you are new, and they will give you a name tag and invite you to sign the guest book.

Step Five: Offering

There are Offering envelopes on the small table if you would like to give a donation. We do not collect during the service at this time so there is a offering plate at the back of the church. Ask our volunteer if you need help.  There is also a place on this site to give online.  We have e-transfer as well. 

Step Six: Finding A Seat

You are welcome to sit where you are comfortable.  There are no assigned seating.

Step Seven: During the Service

If you would like help with the books we use, please don't hesitate to ask a neighbouring person or our volunteer at the back of the church.

Step Seven: Children

At this time we do not have Sunday school for the children but we do have a small area for the children to play quietly.   We want them to feel at home in the church. Please do not stress about your child being perfectly still and silent.

Step Eight: Communion

All are welcome to come to the altar.  Those who are baptized may take the bread and wine or just one of the elements.  If you would not like the wine please cross your arms to notify the cup bearer.  If you prefer to have a blessing please cross your arms in front of your chest to signal to the priest this is your request.  We do not offer intinction (dipping of the bread into the wine).  Following communion, we exit from the altar to the left through the side door leading back into the sanctuary.

Step Nine: Coffee Hour

Following the service we would like to invite you to come down to the hall for fellowship.  

Step Ten: Please Come Again!  

Repeat steps 1 - 9 next Sunday.